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Technical consultation and sales

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    Technical consultation and sales

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      Brenton O'Callaghan

      Brenton O'Callaghan is Avantra's Chief Customer Officer. From Cork in Ireland, he has spent over a decade in the SAP world across multiple companies, roles and geographies. Brenton has a deep background in Computer Science.

      How to choose the best SAP automation tool

      When choosing an SAP Automation Tool, you need to ensure you're picking a platform that can grow...

      SAP operations with Google Cloud, ServiceNow and automation

      Google and ServiceNow also announced an enhanced strategic partnership focused on AIOps and true...

      How long does it take to deploy Avantra?

      One of the most common questions asked during an Avantra evaluation is 'how long does it take to...

      A Tale of a Manufacturing System Outage - Ancient History or Your Future?

      It was 2:20 am on Saturday morning and Dave was in bed after enjoying a relaxing Friday evening...

      5 Reasons Automation will Transform your SAP Landscape

      We live in a world where there is never enough time. Rarely do I get to the end of a week having...

      How to Kickstart an Innovation Strategy in the Face of a Pandemic

      Last month, we introduced our 3rd and final major release in 2020 capping what has been an...

      What's new in Avantra 20.11?

      We are thrilled to announce the release of version 20.11 of Avantra providing the next step on the...

      SAP Operations Continuity: 5 Priorities You Need to Embrace Today

      Brenton O'Callaghan, Head of Customer Experience at Avantra, lists his top priorities for...