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    Heiko Mannherz

    Heiko Mannherz leads Avantra’s Innovation Program as Chief Innovation Officer, working closely with the Product Development and Customer Office teams. Serving almost nineteen years at Avantra in many different roles, the broader view on new technologies and methodologies was always at the core of his work. Heiko holds an MSc in Mathematics from the University of Bonn.

    Avantra to monitor SUSE LE 12 on IBM Power8

    Starting from version 6.0.20 the syslink Xandria agent supports SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12...

    Fujitsu selects syslink Xandria for SAP monitoring

    Fujitsu Australia, one of the leading ICT vendors in the region, with about 5,000 employees across...

    IBM shows confident in Syslink Xandria

    For the third time in a row IBM renewed their syslink Xandria license contract for multiple years...

    IT Service Provider of the German Armed Forces selects syslink Xandria for SAP monitoring

    BWI, IT Service Provider of the German Armed Forces selected syslink Xandria to manage more than...

    syslink Xandria Now Supports SQL Anywhere

    The total number of database types Xandria supports has lately increased to seven with the addition...

    Customers are doubling their Xandria deployment

    Allgeier SE

    Only three months after signing the initial contract, Allgeier SE, one of the leading...

    UMB AG - a leading IT provider grew its syslink Xandria deployment by 30%

    UMB AG is a leading IT provider. UMB AG has seven locations in Switzerland, 240 employees made up...

    Straumann Group supports its SAP HANA growth expanding its syslink Xandria deployment

    Straumann, a global leader in implant, restorative and regenerative dentistry, years-long syslink...

    Xandria Licensing

    Contract Extensions with Deloitte (South Africa); New customer NTT Com Managed Services