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    Emily Tippins

    Emily Tippins is a certified brand specialist with experience in building DevOps and IT Enterprise brands. As Chief Marketing Officer, Emily brings purposeful branding designed to resonate with the real technological and business challenges facing modern enterprises, building long-term relationships with influencers, partners, customers, and prospects. Emily is passionate about enterprise software and the advancement of women in tech.

    SolMan alternatives: Do they exist?

    Are you a Basis Engineer or a Head of SAP that’s wondering if alternatives to SAP Solution Manager...

    SAP Operations Teams Analysis: Here’s What We Learned

    Last year, Avantra approached ASUG with an idea. What if we could expose the places where...

    Hunting for the Humanity and Cognitive Power within our Tech Futures

    Augmented futures feel post-apocalyptic, unrealistic and built around the notion of a...

    SAP Operation: How Automated Operation Works in the Hybrid World

    More and more companies are relying on cloud solutions: 73 percent of companies in Germany had...

    The Market Speaks: 3 Mega Trends in SAP Operations Automation

    It's probably not a huge surprise to hear that the more complex an SAP landscape is, there's a 33%...