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      SAP AIOps (2)

      What’s new in Avantra 24.2

      It’s my pleasure to announce the release of Avantra 24.2. The second update of Avantra 24, building...

      Unlocking the power of private AI for your SAP landscape: Avantra AIR

      Avantra is excited to unveil Avantra AIR, an AI driven extension of the Avantra platform that...

      AIOps as a time, quality and customer enabler

      Time is precious and not for sale. Or is it? UMB AG, a leading Swiss IT service and managed...

      What skydiving taught me about automation

      Back in the day, before I was a father, before I was a husband, back when I was more of an...

      From monitoring solution to automated growth, an MSP’s AIOps story

      With around 130 employees, Innflow, one of the leading SAP consulting companies in Switzerland,...