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    Heiko Mannherz

    Heiko Mannherz leads Avantra’s Innovation Program as Chief Innovation Officer, working closely with the Product Development and Customer Office teams. Serving almost nineteen years at Avantra in many different roles, the broader view on new technologies and methodologies was always at the core of his work. Heiko holds an MSc in Mathematics from the University of Bonn.

    Why is SAP security monitoring important?

    SAP applications drive the most business critical processes in companies around the globe. It will...

    ML based predictive analytics: To alert or not to alert?

    As the only AIOps platform for automating SAP operations, Avantra performs the daily tasks that...

    How to go beyond monitoring with ML based predictive analytics

    As the only AIOps platform for automating SAP operations, Avantra performs the daily tasks that...

    SAP Managed Services: How to choose the right provider

    SAP Managed Services can comprise a variety of solutions to help you optimize your SAP landscape...

    Tackling the challenges of SAP's hybrid ERP world

    SAP Hybrid ERP Infrastructure presents an opportunity and a challenge at the same time. The Q2...