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Hunting for the Humanity and Cognitive Power within our Tech Futures

Written by Emily Tippins | Nov 19, 2020 8:17:18 PM

Augmented futures feel post-apocalyptic, unrealistic and built around the notion of a super-human-race. Until today, I’d never heard of Augmented Commerce, for example, but it made me think of robotic, emotionless shopping malls somewhere between The Jetsons and Red Dwarf.

We have programmable smart tech assisting us with the tedium of modern home living; voice activated devices, smart blinds, robotic vacuum cleaners. But if you ask most people what would improve their lives infinitely, they’d probably say a clone of themselves. There’s never enough hours in the day, and if I had another one of me, I’d achieve so much more in 24 hours. 


I don’t have a clone (yet), so I have to get more practised. I have to get quicker at the daily tasks so they don’t take as long. Then I’d get to focus on the juicer, strategic and more valuable projects. If I could automate those mindless parts of my daily routine, I could be free to do what humans do best - using cognitive power to make decisions, think ‘outside the box’ and be creative.


Following a 30 minute Zoom call with tech futurist Shivvy Jervis, my neural pathways were whirring. Shivvy has infectious energy. The kind that compels you to consider what it means to be human in a post-industrial era. Not a typical conversation for midday on a Thursday. 


The part of our conversation that got me really thinking was about taking the machine out of the human. Let the machines take away the tedium, Shivvy said. Free yourself to do the critical thinking that is innate to all humans. 


As a futurist, Shivvy is passionate about the technological advances that elevate our human potential. During our chat, she talked about the potential of augmented reality and other immersive forms of technology. But, what struck me most, was that Shivvy believes the beauty of these advances lies not within the “better, faster, stronger” workforce but within their potential to unlock the inventor mindset within organizations. 


Perhaps augmented, AI or machine learning technology isn’t part of your IT Operations strategy. And maybe augmented commerce isn’t even on your radar. That’s ok. 


But if you’re interested in understanding why these advances should be on your agenda, join Avantra and Shivvy Jervis at the only tech event talking about IT Operations and the human potential of automation. 

The future is coming (ready or not).  


Register now and submit your questions for Shivvy.